Filed under blogging

Inaugural Blog

Wow. And it is done, and it is good. 11:51 AM CST… And, three minutes to go.10:57 AM CST Trying out the flurry of Facebook/CNN live status updates.10:37 AM CST E, regarding Lynne Cheney: What did she ever see in him? E & Mom, in unison: Power.10:25 AM CST Transfer of power happens exactly at … Continue reading »

anders: blog ideas

showering to swedish musicplaystation baseball leagueinterhouse blog warnarrative of household gadgetryfinding nemo reviewdissection of sibling relationships


isn’t this what blogging is all about? thanks, tony cokes, for making us watch the whole thing.


The temptation to take pictures everywhere with this adorable little iSight that Ira Glass the Mac has is just too great. Hell, I’m bloggin’ outside!